My True Story

The Story of a Girl Who Is Hunted

I had a lot of friends, some were good and some not so good, but later on I realized that others could not see my friends. My parents told others that they were just 'imaginary' and others made fun of me for having these so called 'imaginary friends' to the point were I stopped talking to them. After a while they seemed to disappeared and later on as I grew up, I figured that my parents had been right.

Then they had adopted my new little sister, the youngest of the family. Late one night she was afraid to sleep in my old room which was now her bedroom. She had been having bad dreams for a while and no one knew why, but she said they were real and had happened, she just couldn’t say why no one else could remember it. She wanted to sleep in my parents room that night, but they said no. She then walked into my room to wake me up, but I was all ready awake. I had been asleep that night, but something woke me and I was not sure what. She wanted to sleep with me in what was now my new bedroom. I said no and walked her to my parents room.

Our mom and dad were asleep and I felt a chill. I looked out their bedroom door that leads to the back yard and I saw someone. He was not one of my old friends, but one of the guys my friends had warned me about. I said nothing and walked over to my dad’s side of the bed to wake him up.

The guy started to breath heavy. Then my sister noticed him! She yelled and said that there was a guy out side of the door. My dad woke up, but did not see any guy or any ‘thing’ by the door. As my dad said that, the guy started to put his hand through the screen door. My sister yelled, dad, don’t let him in the house, he’s bad. I knew it then and there that she was seeing the exact same guy as me and that he was not just imaginary. I told him to stay away, but he kept coming more into he room. I silently called for one of my old, so called, ‘imaginary’ friends. I did not see my friend, but I felt him stand in front of me. The guy then seemed to evaporate as it looked like to me as if he was to be pushed out the door by my old friend.

Since that night, I can still feel my friends near me, but also others like that one guy. My sister will deny most of that night and many other nights, except she will admit that she had seen a ‘zombie’ at the door of my parent’s bedroom in the back yard. I had never told my sister about the people I used to see, at lest not till after that night where she saw the same guy just as I did. Some of them are around me now as I type this. Some say not to keep typing, others are saying that we should give it a chance, to see if people believe me or think that she’s just insane. I don’t reply much to them now, they don’t seem to like that. Some of them come for my help, others come to mess with me, or seem to come here only to hurt the ones around me. They all seem to fallow me, ever where I go. Not just around California, but also, even when I go to New York, Iowa, or other places, they are here with me, even if I don’t acknowledge that they are here. This story of mine is true, call me insane if you must, but never call me a lire!

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